planet Jassi – Mixing colours
Hi Superstars
In this video Jassi uses colors to create something new .
Did you know that Autistic children often like routines and rituals and don’t like change.Common changes or new situation’s might include
. going somewhere new
. shifting attention between toys or tasks
. moving from preferred to less preferred activities
. doing things in a different order or change to routine
. trying new foods or wearing new clothes.
. changing teachers
. going to a birthday party
. canceling activities
Whatever the change many Autistic children will experience difficultly or distress when learning to cope with change. Some autistic children may have difficulty with changes in routine or changes in the environment and may have a need for sameness and predictability. These difficulties may eventually impact or hinder on ones independence.
Life is full of changes on a daily basis, and transitions are all part of any school or work day, as we move to different activities or locations.
The stronger the repetitive or restrictive behavior the harder change may be.
Autistic children with support from adults can learn to be open or available for learning and experience change as a positive way to learn and grow.
Without change autistic children may miss out on opportunities and experiences in everyday life.
Just like mixing colors Jassi discovers lots of new wonderful colors that could be made.
This helps Jassi be more independent and open her mind up to exciting new adventures.
To find out more how you can help your child with transitions/ change keep following us on Facebook, Instagram and TikTOK .
Or even contact Jigsaw Autism Services via email if you are needing more professional advice.
In the mean time why don’t you try to mix colors of your own and let us know what you have created?
Let us know what possibilities can occur when you mix yellow , green , red , or , blue.
Go on superstars you can do it.
Write your responses in the comments or post onto our fb pages.
Happy learning !