The Bus Story Test
Assessment – Language Expressive and Vocabulary skills
Children with developmental disabilities often perform low on standardized testing. This video was created to test the hypothesis that children with autism often respond well to video modelling Interventions so the examiner made this video with Jassi reading the story instead if her. When the examiner tried to conduct this test her client would not attend however was very engaged in watching Planet Jassi. Her mother suggested what if Jassi read her the story and she watched it on video. Would her daughter then participate.
We will keep you up to date on results as we test this hypothesis.
If results show positive gains then this research hypothesis could prove benefiticial in clinical practice when clinicians are conducting standardized assessments with young children with autism and developmental disabilities taking into consideration nuerological differences in brain development. Positive Results would suggest further/future research on how to present language assessments to children with disabilities.